I saw a really amazing movie: The Jacket
I never heard of it before I saw it, and I am so glad I did not turn the TV off.
This is some powerful stuff and must be one of the best movies I've seen in the last time.
It is quite strange and disturbing but amazing, and also visually exceptional. And also very emotional, I was really sucked into it, and in some scenes I really felt emotional and uncomfortable. Or I just FELT. I think you have to see it to know what I mean. ;)
It is hard to describe, and maybe this film is not for everyone. The critics were also quite mixed, but if you are into that kind of stuff, you will like it and realize the message of it. It is spiritual...
Once again I also realized that Adrien Brody is an amazing actor. Keira Knightley I also like very much, she was quite different in this film. They both definetely had some vibes going on, and you felt the connection, they carried it out very well.
The end almost made me cry, not because it was sad, which it somehow was, but because it was so touching. *sigh*
Also watched the Stieg Larsson Millennium Trilogy this weekend, but so far only part 1 and 2. I watched in German: Verblendung und Verdammnis. Vergebung is the third, and I'll watch it in the next days, can't await...
Oh man, this is also some powerful stuff, also one of the best things I've seen in the last time. I have to read the books also.
Did you read or see anything of these? What do you think about them?
I have not read or seen either of these, but I have heard a lot about Stieg Larsson, I think I will pick up one of his books for my next vacation!
AntwortenLöschenYeah, Stieg Larsson is really worth reading and watching. I will also definetly read the books. The films were great, but I love to read and I heard and read that the books are, as always, more detailed and sometimes a bit different. :)
AntwortenLöschen"The Jacket" ist einer meiner absoluten Lieblingsfilme *Adrien Brody anschmacht*
AntwortenLöschenDie Millenium Triologie gefällt mir ebenfalls sehr, das war endlich mal wieder was richtig spannendes .
Tabatha, hello fellow hippo ;)
AntwortenLöschenjaaa, meiner auch jetzt. ich bin echt so froh, dass ich ihn gesehen habe.
I love the spirit of it. die message ist echt toll und schade, dass der film so unbekannt ist... * Adrien Brody ist echt ein schnuckel
den dritten teil der Millennium trilogie muss ich noch sehen, ist bis jetzt nicht gegangen. die arbeit... :( ich bin schon echt gespannt